Springing into Community-Driven Short Stories


Twitter users chose ‘Sports’ as the major theme for my next short story!

Sports was the clear winner on Twitter. Also discovered, Twitter users do not like weddings…

Now that the major theme has been decided, my second Twitter poll is live! Visit my profile (itsago_blog) to vote on the sports-related Canadian charity that my first community-driven short story will support (details below).

This Twitter poll is live RIGHT NOW until 10 am EST on Thursday, March 5th, 2020!

Learn more about Right to Play and Canadian Tire Jumpstart by visiting their websites.

Thanks for your vote!

Original post:

I am challenging myself to write, edit, and publish a community-driven series of short stories but I need your help. 

Follow me on Twitter (itsago_blog) to help me choose the main theme of my next short story (voting starts right now; Monday-Tuesday, March 3 at 11:30 AM EST).  

Which major theme interests you the most?



-Winning the lottery

Let me know what you would like to read about, and I’ll start writing!

Charitable Donations

Visit my Twitter page this Wednesday-Thursday and you will have the opportunity to choose between two charities. 

The charity with the most votes on my Twitter poll at the end of 24 hours will receive 10% of the net proceeds made via the sales of this short story (the donation will be made at the end of the year), so please visit my Twitter page on Wednesday, March 4th-Thursday, March 5th to have your say!

Thanks for helping me challenge myself as I create a community-driven series of short stories. 

Give life the green light! It’s A Go.

Amber Green