Rags to Riches: Part 16

Saturday Story 

Thank you for joining me for part 16 of my first Saturday Story: Rags to Riches. Please check back next Saturday for part 17.

Give your life the green light. It’s A Go!

Amber Green

**Note from the author: Please note that this part of Rags to Riches touches on the topic of suicide. Rags to Riches is intended for an audience of adults/people in their late teens, but please be forewarned, just in case you don’t feel like reading about a dark, difficult subject in the perspective of my (fictional) characters. Thanks.**

***The below was revised on Saturday, July 28th, 2018 to reflect a more realistic timeline to treat alcohol poisoning (according to a trusted medical professional, a person suffering with alcohol poisoning would never be discharged from hospital the same day they were admitted).***

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