Healthcare Heroes: Answer the Call

The call to war is a cough. 

Deployment lasts hour to hour, day to day. 

Healthcare professionals since retired 

Recommit to their oath to do no harm,

Though by stepping up, they voluntarily put themselves directly in harm’s way.

Their education ensures that they understand the dangers when they hear the proverbial doomsday alarm sound.

They answer the call to work on the front lines of streets thankfully abandoned

By the public they’re working ‘round the clock to save.

Heroes in lab coats and scrubs rather than capes,

They stare not down the barrel of a gun,

But through the lens of a microscope to identify the enemy.

Medically tested swabs make the diagnosis clear. 

The strain moved quickly from animal to human, 

Then it passed from human to human and multiplied as it caught like wildfire through dry brush, 

Burning through our misconceptions, ignorance, and the social parameters we use to define our existence: Wealth, status, clout, and country. 

In a time when we’re so convinced that our opinions matter,

Caught in an echo chamber of our own design, 

A slippery virus takes hold and officials demand that we stay home to stop the spread.

The paradox? A pandemic that unites us while it threatens to tear us down. The vast majority take action by doing nothing at all.

The planet started to heal in our absence; an unintended — but welcome — consequence.

What a juxtaposition; 

The fear inspired by a deadly, invisible force that removes the 

Hustle of the everyday also serves to remind us of what truly matters.

Phantasmal reflections of others’ mistakes mirrored in policy, red tape, and latent response;

Like the ghosts of Dickens’ A Christmas Carol appearing before us at breakneck speed,

Demanding repentance for the actions we didn’t commit but have no time to repeat.

As they mourn their dead, we are granted an opportunity to stay a step ahead;

A step at most, but a step so many communities wish they could walk back.

Hindsight — 20/20 and crystal clear — comes not in years, but days.

As we muster the courage to keep the faith as we stagger blindly into our new normal,

I am reminded that

Malcolm Gladwell was the first person I heard theorize that Goliath could not rely on his vision,

But in this battle, as David stands at the ready with his slingshot,

David is the one who cannot see; for in this analogy, Goliath is 

An invisible monster. A virus that killed the very doctor who bravely sounded the alarm.

They are our heroes in lab coats and scrubs.

Far more vulnerable through their repeated exposure to the enemy than am I,

Sitting in front of my computer screen

Typing a message of thanks 

I know they won’t have time to read.

*Please note that I offer an audio version of Healthcare Heroes: Answer the Call on YouTube

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🇨🇦 Musings of a Masterpiece

A work of art narrates its journey through time in this short story. 

In the centuries since its creation, it has witnessed the joy of love and companionship, the heartache of loss, and hardship. Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder, but what if the masterpiece you so admire silently muses at the countless wonders of humanity?

🇺🇸: users, click here.

🇬🇧: users, click here.

Amber Green is a self-published Canadian author and freelance writer. Her short stories can be found here:

© 2020 Amber Green

COVID-19: Who’s knocking on my door?

I’m not a healthcare professional but as a writer, I seek to summarize and share the information I’ve gathered from various credible sources.

I imagine that you’re taking COVID-19 seriously, but in case you’re in contact with someone who still doesn’t understand the seriousness of the situation, ask them to consider this:

COVID-19 is called the ‘NOVEL’ coronavirus because it’s new. It’s NOT the flu. 

Why does that matter? Various strains of influenza have been circulating for generations, so — even when we can’t fight it off — at the very least, our immune systems are on alert. 

Personified, the flu is the mischievous, industrious child on Halloween who visits the same home wearing different masks to get more candy. Your immune system is a crotchety old man reluctant to answer the door- alert and onto their tricks, he’s ready to tell the flu to keep it moving, season after season. 

COVID-19 is a little old lady who’s new to the neighbourhood. She knocks on your immune system’s door donning a smile, holding a basket of homemade muffins, hiding her sinister agenda by offering false friendship. Since she doesn’t resemble anything dangerous that your immune system has come to recognize and be wary of, your immune system opens the door and welcomes her in. 

By the time a bunch of the conniving little old lady’s big, strong friends storm through your front door, it’s too late for your immune system to gain ground. (In the mildest cases, COVID-19 will threaten your family and leave, perhaps taking your TV on its way; in the worst cases, it’ll pillage everything you own and burn the house to the ground.)

If you’re still not convinced to do your part to stop the spread, various sources say doctors in Italy have had to decide who lives and dies for the past week because their healthcare system is overwhelmed. Healthcare professionals around the world are doing more than their fair share to help our communities; we agree that they’re heroes — don’t force them to take on the role of the Grim Reaper. That’s not why they went through years of postsecondary school. Please respect them. Help them by practicing social distancing to stop the spread.

And while we’re on the subject, now is not the time to begin your career as a stunt double or a trapeze artist. (Whenever possible, save the hospital beds and healthcare resources for those who may suffer from complications due to COVID-19.)

Whatever your interests, the internet allows you to do so much from the comfort of your own home. Teach yourself another language, build a website, catch up on your favourite podcast, take an online exercise class, watch a comedy, take an online course, read an e-book, learn how to play an instrument or write a play or a poem… the list goes on. 

Some communities wish they could go back in time to change their reaction to COVID-19; while that’s not possible, we can honour the mistakes made by acting in accordance with the lessons learned in the past number of weeks. 

Stop the spread. Flatten the curve.

(I posted the above on Facebook, but I thought I’d share it here too. Stay safe!)

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🇨🇦 Musings of a Masterpiece

A work of art narrates its journey through time in this short story. 

In the centuries since its creation, it has witnessed the joy of love and companionship, the heartache of loss, and hardship. Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder, but what if the masterpiece you so admire silently muses at the countless wonders of humanity?

🇺🇸: users, click here.

🇬🇧: users, click here.

Amber Green is a self-published Canadian author and freelance writer. Her short stories can be found here:

© 2020 Amber Green