Employee vs. Self-Employed


"Bad Hair Day" by Dixie Foxton
“Bad Hair Day” by Dixie Foxton (used with permission)

It’s Saturday afternoon. When I’ve worked as an employee for companies in the past, the weekends (or days that I had off of work, if employed as a shift worker) were the designated days to relax.

As an employee, every Friday held special significance; I privately reflected on the accomplishments I had achieved the previous work week, analyzed what I could have done better as I moved forward in my career, and set goals to achieve the following week. (As a self-employed freelancer, I continue to evaluate the progress I’ve made, but such introspection occurs far more regularly, as I check-in with myself in regards to achieving goals for my business/clients, and goals for my blog/other writing projects.)

When I was an employee and I had a predetermined schedule (i.e. Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm), I found that there was great joy in knowing that the weekend belonged to me alone. Weekends were not only a time to relax, but to catch up with friends and family, run errands and prepare for the following work week.

This changes when you’re a freelancer/entrepreneur.

I constantly think about my business and blog. At this point in my life, I wouldn’t have it any other way, as I am lucky to love what I do, but I know that there is still a need to establish a balance between work and the rest of life.

Are you an employee or freelancer/entrepreneur?

How do you achieve a balance between the work (that you love) and the downtime the rest of your life demands?

If you’ve worked as both an employee and self-employed/employer, did the allure of a set schedule provided to you as an employee influence your decision to remain in your current position?

If you are currently self-employed, did it take a long time for you to achieve a balance between work and designated downtime?

Whatever your employment arrangement, and whenever your downtime is, I hope that you let your hair down and relish the accomplishments you’ve achieved. You deserve it!

Give your life the green light. It’s A Go!

Amber Green

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