Rags to Riches: Part 14 (Saturday Story)

Saturday Story

**Please note that Part 15 of Rags to Riches will be posted on Saturday, July 14th, 2018** Thank you!

I’ve been having a wonderful weekend! (I hope that you have, too.)

Thank you for joining me for Part 14 of my Saturday Story: Rags to Riches. If you’re new to my blog, and you’d like to start at the beginning, you can find parts 1-5 here, or last week’s part 13 here.

I look forward to posting Part 15 on Saturday, July 14th, 2018.

Give your life the green light. It’s A Go!

Amber Green

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Happy Mother’s Day!

It’s Sunday, May 13, 2018- Happy Mother’s Day! (Where I am, at least).

Not to start off too sentimental or anything (*cue sarcasm*), but I have always been interested in the English language; when I was a kid, I wondered whether it was correct to write ‘Happy Mother’s Day’ or ‘Happy Mothers’ Day’ on my Mother’s Mother’s Day card (my rationale was simply that there are many mothers in the world, and it’s their day, so wouldn’t Mothers’ Day be preferred?). Fortunately, the Internet has cleared this up; both are of course grammatically correct, but it is my understanding that the intention of Mother’s Day is to celebrate your own mother (rather than all mothers).

Continue reading “Happy Mother’s Day!”