As a freelance writer and Canadian author, I am pleased to offer my publications on Amazon.
Ask Amber
Check out my new group on Patreon! We meet online twice per month (the 2nd and 4th Wednesday, 7-9 pm ET) to ensure that we stay in the right mindset to make the dietary changes we need to live our best life. We also have a health-related non-fiction book club on the 3rd Wednesday of every month.)
Second Draft Journals
In order to combine our talents, I created Second Draft Journals with my mother. She is a self-taught artist who designs original, hand-drawn works of art for each issue. With a new theme, short story, goal-setting, and lined pages, Second Draft Journals are sure to delight you and your loved ones.
Staycation For The Soul: A Collection Of Short Stories
The stories featured in Staycation for the Soul: A Collection of Short Stories are intended to inspire and provide hope while giving you a moment of peace in your busy day.
The Ties That Bind
My first novel, The Ties That Bind is the premiere novel in a series intended for a mature audience (18+).
In addition to promoting my work, my blog posts discuss current events and my personal opinions. Feel free to comment on any of my posts (I’d love to know your perspective) and join me on my journey by signing up for my email list.
Give life the green light — because whatever your speed — the only way to progress is by moving forward!
~A.F.S. Green